FAQ / Frequently asked questions ...


1. Right after launch the app is irresponsive - there's no reaction.

Upon first launch of the App and once a day (if an update is available) the app processes the track data updates. Depending on the model and speed of your iPhone/iPad (iPhone 3GS, iPhone4) you may feel some decrease in responsiveness. With several thousand tracks the process may take up to 2 minutes. In the top status bar you will see a spinning indicator and/or text about the running action. Just wait a little and all will be fine.
We reduce this effect very much in version 2.1 but on the 4 year old iPhone 4 it is still noticeable.

2. Why is the distance to the track not correct?

3. While i am on the road i cannot see the pictures.

4. Do i need a WIFI connection for photo up-/download?

5. How data is transferred with the automatic data update upon launch of the app?

  1. 6.Why doesn't the picture i just uploaded show up in track's detail?

7. The comments and ratings on my favorite track are horrible and wrong it got only 1 star!

8. Why can’t i see track “XYZ” in my list?

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