FAQ / Frequently asked questions ...


1. Right after launch the app is irresponsive - there's no reaction.

2. Why is the distance to the track not correct?

3. While i am on the road i cannot see the pictures.

4. Do i need a WIFI connection for photo up-/download?

5. How data is transferred with the automatic data update upon launch of the app?

6. Why doesn't the picture i just uploaded show up in track's detail?

7. The comments and ratings on my favorite track are horrible and wrong it got only 1 star!

Ratings and comments are truly subjective! A track perfectly suited for beginners and less advanced riders and has lots of them every training day, maybe a kind of a nightmare for skilled fast riders because of that!? Simple obstacles that are fun for pure hobbyist riders are boring and undemanding for the skilled fast amateurs and semi professionals. So read the comments and texts and get the info that is really in there.
And if there is something offensive and misguided language - just let us know by touching the “thumbs down” button and we take a look into it and correct or remove the comment/rating if necessary.

8. Why can’t i see track “XYZ” in my list?

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and Christian Kaas. All rights reserved.

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